Philbrook Museum of Art Merch Design

An Art Museum But Make It Cute. During my time at Philbrook Museum of Art, I was asked to create designs for a variety of merchandise lines. You can see the various projects below.

A big part of my role at Philbrook was designing merchandise to reach younger families and individuals. With the museum's push to become more accessible to diverse audiences, designing gift store items that were available at a lower price point was one of the goals. Prior to the introduction of these designs, the shop largely held items targeted at older audiences.


This icon captures the Philbrook's iconic tempietto. Often the site of proposals and celebrations, we thought it was important to include this location in particular.

The Villa

Another iconic view of the museum. When you look at the museum from the gardens - you see large geometric gardens and fountains leading up to the entrance.

South Gardens

Formerly the estate's poolhouse, the south gardens are typically used for reading, picnics, and games. It's long, shaded lawn space makes it the perfect place for memory-making at Philbrook.

Role Art Direction, Illustration
Client Philbrook Museum of Art